The Provocateur
I was in “the city of smiles” – Aarhus – homeland of freedom of speech. I was disguised as a Paki. As an asylum seeker. As a freeloader. As anxiety. “Shoot a Paki” I cried, “visit your fear – in this country you can say everything.” They have just tried to burn an asylum centre – few kilometres from Aarhus. I asked if they know the inner voice, the one that wants to send the refugees back home. Voices that tell about the hungry and devouring mass army of zombies which have turned towards the coasts of Europe and cannot be stopped by anything. Not by war, distress, sea creatures, heartless human smugglers or EU border guards. They are so desperate to become Europeans that they are willing to drink the blood and eat meat. They wandered through deserts, lived on nothing, absolutely famished. And when they arrive, they are placed in large centres where they can hatch their mentally ravaged children who have no opportunities, no other future than theft, crime, violence.
I asked them to set the voice free: “Shoot one Paki down”, get the aggression out. “Shoot a refugee”, but they were confined and strange. I painted myself black and asked if it was true that only the black people were allowed to say “Negro” and only the brown people to say “Paki”?
I asked if it is true that no one can distinguish between refugees, immigrants and criminals.
The Provocateur
Danish asylum centre exposed to vandalism with political motive
I’m on my way to Denmark. I’ve heard about the Danish asylum centre which has been exposed to vandalism three times. Nazi symbols and a burned car are mentioned as a first warning. The vandalism apparently has a political motive, says the police.
In other words. I am on my way to Aarhus in Denmark to investigate how things are going with double standards? With freedom of speech? With tolerance? With racism? With xenophobia? With indifference? With alienation? With state terrorism? With democracy? With nationalism? With the market? With consumerism? With the people? With everyday racism? With globalization? With integration? With strategy? With counterstrategy? With value relativism? With economy? With principles? With cohesiveness? With willpower? In other words, how flexible is your capitalism Denmark?
The image is found at, and the blog post is written from the article Groft hærværk mod asylcenter på Djursland. We use the article artistically at because it inspires to a public debate. If we happen to violate any copyrights you might have, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will remove the post. is not a commercial blog. Our drive is to produce controversial, political and uncompromising performances using cross-aesthetic methods and displaying on diverse platforms in reflecting contemporary social topics and debate.
The Provocateur
Freedom of speech
I’m on my way to Denmark. I’ve heard about the Danish freedom of speech which has a reputation of being very free and open minded. Though, a survey among the country’s 8th and 9th grade students in relation to a school election in January 2015 showed surprisingly results. One of the questions was: “Should Muslims have freedom of speech?” Here, 45 % of those surveyed answered that freedom of speech shouldn’t include Muslims. The same question was asked after the election, and the percentage raised to 49 % answered no to Muslim’s freedom of speech.
In other words. I am on my way to Aarhus in Denmark to investigate how things are going with double standards? With freedom of speech? With tolerance? With racism? With xenophobia? With indifference? With alienation? With state terrorism? With democracy? With nationalism? With the market? With consumerism? With the people? With everyday racism? With globalization? With integration? With strategy? With counterstrategy? With value relativism? With economy? With principles? With cohesiveness? With willpower? In other words, how flexible is your capitalism Denmark?
The image is by Scanpix found at, and the blog post is written from the article Hver anden elev i 8. og 9. klasse: Ytringsfrihed bør ikke gælde muslimer. We use the article artistically at because it inspires to a public debate. If we happen to violate any copyrights you might have, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will remove the post. is not a commercial blog. Our drive is to produce controversial, political and uncompromising performances using cross-aesthetic methods and displaying on diverse platforms in reflecting contemporary social topics and debate.